# | Name | expansion | category | Quantity | Price | |
65 | Bujinunity (Rare) Bujinunity (Rare) Bujinunity (Rare) Bujinunity (Rare) Bujinunity (Rare) Bujinunity (Rare) | Legacy of the Valiant | Singles | 255 | $0.15 from $0.15 |
065 | Backup Squad (Ra... Backup Squad (Rare) Backup Squad (Rare) Backup Squad (Rare) Backup Squad (Rare) Backup Squad (Rare) | Circuit Break | Singles | 346 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
065 | Cold Feet (Common) Cold Feet (Common) Cold Feet (Common) Cold Feet (Common) Cold Feet (Common) Cold Feet (Common) | Return of the Duelist | Singles | 130 | $0.16 from $0.16 |
065m | Phantom Dragon (... Phantom Dragon (Mosaic Rare) Phantom Dragon (Mosaic Rare) Phantom Dragon (Mosaic Rare) Phantom Dragon (Mosaic Rare) Phantom Dragon (Mosaic Rare) | Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants | Singles | 44 | $0.21 from $0.21 |
065 | Phantom Dragon (... Phantom Dragon (Rare) Phantom Dragon (Rare) Phantom Dragon (Rare) Phantom Dragon (Rare) Phantom Dragon (Rare) | Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants | Singles | 179 | $0.15 from $0.15 |
065 | Damage Diet (Com... Damage Diet (Common) Damage Diet (Common) Damage Diet (Common) Damage Diet (Common) Damage Diet (Common) | Photon Shockwave | Singles | 274 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
065 | Descending Lost ... Descending Lost Star (Common) Descending Lost Star (Common) Descending Lost Star (Common) Descending Lost Star (Common) Descending Lost Star (Common) | Crimson Crisis | Singles | 328 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
065 | Magical Mallet (... Magical Mallet (Common) Magical Mallet (Common) Magical Mallet (Common) Magical Mallet (Common) Magical Mallet (Common) | Ra Yellow Mega Pack | Singles | 30 | $1.20 from $1.20 |
065 | Hyozanryu (©1996 ) Hyozanryu (©1996 ) Hyozanryu (©1996 ) Hyozanryu (©1996 ) Hyozanryu (©1996 ) Hyozanryu (©1996 ) | Retro Pack | Singles | 128 | $0.14 from $0.14 |
065 | Trading Places (... Trading Places (Common) Trading Places (Common) Trading Places (Common) Trading Places (Common) Trading Places (Common) | Extreme Force | Singles | 373 | $0.14 from $0.14 |
065 | Jurrac Protops (... Jurrac Protops (Common) Jurrac Protops (Common) Jurrac Protops (Common) Jurrac Protops (Common) Jurrac Protops (Common) | Duel Terminal 2 | Singles | 7 | $0.82 from $0.82 |
065 | Igknight Squire ... Igknight Squire (Common) Igknight Squire (Common) Igknight Squire (Common) Igknight Squire (Common) Igknight Squire (Common) | 2016 Mega-Tin Mega Pack | Singles | 35 | $0.16 from $0.16 |
065 | Enlightenment (C... Enlightenment (Common) Enlightenment (Common) Enlightenment (Common) Enlightenment (Common) Enlightenment (Common) | Stardust Overdrive | Singles | 227 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
065 | Protector of the... Protector of the Sanctuary (Common) Protector of the Sanctuary (Common) Protector of the Sanctuary (Common) Protector of the Sanctuary (Common) Protector of the Sanctuary (Common) | Ancient Sanctuary | Singles | 161 | $0.19 from $0.19 |
065 | Urgent Tuning (S... Urgent Tuning (Super Rare) Urgent Tuning (Super Rare) Urgent Tuning (Super Rare) Urgent Tuning (Super Rare) Urgent Tuning (Super Rare) | Crossroads of Chaos | Singles | 77 | $0.28 from $0.28 |
65 | Fire Formation -... Fire Formation - Yoko (Super Rare) Fire Formation - Yoko (Super Rare) Fire Formation - Yoko (Super Rare) Fire Formation - Yoko (Super Rare) Fire Formation - Yoko (Super Rare) | Judgment of the Light | Singles | 95 | $0.16 from $0.16 |
065 | Explosive Urchin... Explosive Urchin (Common) Explosive Urchin (Common) Explosive Urchin (Common) Explosive Urchin (Common) Explosive Urchin (Common) | Generation Force | Singles | 371 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
065 | Gagagaguard (Rare) Gagagaguard (Rare) Gagagaguard (Rare) Gagagaguard (Rare) Gagagaguard (Rare) Gagagaguard (Rare) | Order of Chaos | Singles | 340 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
065 | Celestia (Common) Celestia (Common) Celestia (Common) Celestia (Common) Celestia (Common) Celestia (Common) | The New Challengers | Singles | 543 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
065 | Elemental Hero C... Elemental Hero Chaos Neos (Ultra Rare) Elemental Hero Chaos Neos (Ultra Rare) Elemental Hero Chaos Neos (Ultra R... Elemental Hero Chaos Neos (Ultra Rare) Elemental Hero Chaos Neos (Ultra Rare) | Legendary Collection 2: Mega Pack | Singles | 27 | $0.63 from $0.63 |