# | Name | expansion | category | Quantity | Price | |
081 | UFO Turtle (Rare) UFO Turtle (Rare) UFO Turtle (Rare) UFO Turtle (Rare) UFO Turtle (Rare) UFO Turtle (Rare) | Magic Ruler | Singles | 120 | $0.16 from $0.16 |
081 | Naturia White Oa... Naturia White Oak (Super Rare) Naturia White Oak (Super Rare) Naturia White Oak (Super Rare) Naturia White Oak (Super Rare) Naturia White Oak (Super Rare) | Duel Terminal 4 | Singles | 5 | $0.55 from $0.55 |
081sec | Pinpoint Landing... Pinpoint Landing (Secret Rare) Pinpoint Landing (Secret Rare) Pinpoint Landing (Secret Rare) Pinpoint Landing (Secret Rare) Pinpoint Landing (Secret Rare) | Cybernetic Horizon | Singles | 41 | $0.85 from $0.85 |
081 | Ninjitsu Art Not... Ninjitsu Art Notebook (Common) Ninjitsu Art Notebook (Common) Ninjitsu Art Notebook (Common) Ninjitsu Art Notebook (Common) Ninjitsu Art Notebook (Common) | The Dark Illusion | Singles | 352 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
081sec | Noble Knight Bro... Noble Knight Brothers (Secret Rare) Noble Knight Brothers (Secret Rare) Noble Knight Brothers (Secret Rare) Noble Knight Brothers (Secret Rare) Noble Knight Brothers (Secret Rare) | Primal Origin | Singles | 50 | $0.31 from $0.31 |
081 | Worm Gulse (Comm... Worm Gulse (Common) Worm Gulse (Common) Worm Gulse (Common) Worm Gulse (Common) Worm Gulse (Common) | Duel Terminal 1 | Singles | 7 | $0.37 from $0.37 |
081 | Samurai Skull (C... Samurai Skull (Common) Samurai Skull (Common) Samurai Skull (Common) Samurai Skull (Common) Samurai Skull (Common) | Code of the Duelist | Singles | 306 | $0.15 from $0.15 |
081sec | Vermillion Drago... Vermillion Dragon Mech (Secret Rare) Vermillion Dragon Mech (Secret Rare) Vermillion Dragon Mech (Secret Rare) Vermillion Dragon Mech (Secret Rare) Vermillion Dragon Mech (Secret Rare) | Invasion: Vengeance | Singles | 43 | $1.86 from $1.86 |
081 | Needle Ceiling (... Needle Ceiling (Common) Needle Ceiling (Common) Needle Ceiling (Common) Needle Ceiling (Common) Needle Ceiling (Common) | War of the Giants Reinforcements | Singles | 41 | $0.70 from $0.70 |
81 | Ocean's Keeper (... Ocean's Keeper (Rare) Ocean's Keeper (Rare) Ocean's Keeper (Rare) Ocean's Keeper (Rare) Ocean's Keeper (Rare) | Tactical Evolution | Singles | 137 | $0.21 from $0.21 |
081 | Morphing Jar (Go... Morphing Jar (Gold Rare) Morphing Jar (Gold Rare) Morphing Jar (Gold Rare) Morphing Jar (Gold Rare) Morphing Jar (Gold Rare) | Premium Gold | Singles | 33 | $2.65 from $2.65 |
081 | Needle Ceiling (... Needle Ceiling (Common) Needle Ceiling (Common) Needle Ceiling (Common) Needle Ceiling (Common) Needle Ceiling (Common) | Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants - Round 2 | Singles | 5 | $0.77 from $0.77 |
081sec | World of Prophec... World of Prophecy (Secret Rare) World of Prophecy (Secret Rare) World of Prophecy (Secret Rare) World of Prophecy (Secret Rare) World of Prophecy (Secret Rare) | 2014 Mega-Tins Mega-Pack | Singles | 64 | $0.58 from $0.58 |
081 | Mischief of the ... Mischief of the Gnomes (Common) Mischief of the Gnomes (Common) Mischief of the Gnomes (Common) Mischief of the Gnomes (Common) Mischief of the Gnomes (Common) | Secrets of Eternity | Singles | 185 | $0.11 from $0.11 |
081 | Legendary Flame ... Legendary Flame Lord (©1996) Legendary Flame Lord (©1996) Legendary Flame Lord (©1996) Legendary Flame Lord (©1996) Legendary Flame Lord (©1996) | Dark Crisis | Singles | 95 | $0.16 from $0.16 |
081 | Primineral Mands... Primineral Mandstrong (Common) Primineral Mandstrong (Common) Primineral Mandstrong (Common) Primineral Mandstrong (Common) Primineral Mandstrong (Common) | Chaos Impact | Singles | 718 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
081 | UFO Turtle (©1996) UFO Turtle (©1996) UFO Turtle (©1996) UFO Turtle (©1996) UFO Turtle (©1996) UFO Turtle (©1996) | Spell Ruler | Singles | 25 | $0.22 from $0.22 |
81 | Moon Mirror Shie... Moon Mirror Shield (Rare) Moon Mirror Shield (Rare) Moon Mirror Shield (Rare) Moon Mirror Shield (Rare) Moon Mirror Shield (Rare) | Crossed Souls | Singles | 58 | $0.70 from $0.70 |
081 | Paladin of White... Paladin of White Dragon (Super Rare) Paladin of White Dragon (Super Rare) Paladin of White Dragon (Super Rare) Paladin of White Dragon (Super Rare) Paladin of White Dragon (Super Rare) | Dark Revelation 1 | Singles | 19 | $0.96 from $0.96 |
081sec | Super Team Buddy... Super Team Buddy Force Unite! (Secret Ra... Super Team Buddy Force Unite! (Secret Ra... Super Team Buddy Force Unite! (Sec... Super Team Buddy Force Unite! (Secret Rare) Super Team Buddy Force Unite! (Secret Rare) | Flames of Destruction | Singles | 98 | $0.58 from $0.58 |