Jknegames's profile



100.0% positive feedback
244 verified reviews
530 total items
164 unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
Beseech the QueenBeseech the Queen


of 1


of 1
Keeper of ProgenitusKeeper of Progenitus


of 1
"Brims" Barone, Midway Mobster"Brims" Barone, Midway Mobster


of 1
Skewer the CriticsSkewer the Critics


of 1
Viscera SeerViscera Seer


of 1
Mask of AvacynMask of Avacyn


of 1
Flood PlainFlood Plain


of 1
High AlertHigh Alert


of 1
Gideon's SacrificeGideon's Sacrifice


of 1
Stealth MissionStealth Mission


of 1
Screaming ShieldScreaming Shield


of 1
Final PaymentFinal Payment


of 5
Watchful GiantWatchful Giant


of 3
Clear the MindClear the Mind


of 6
Gravel-Hide GoblinGravel-Hide Goblin


of 4


of 3
Rakdos TrumpeterRakdos Trumpeter


of 3
Wrecking BeastWrecking Beast


of 3
Rubble SlingerRubble Slinger


of 4
Tin Street DodgerTin Street Dodger


of 1
Storm StrikeStorm Strike


of 4
Catacomb CrocodileCatacomb Crocodile


of 5


of 3
Orzhov LocketOrzhov Locket


of 1
Applied BiomancyApplied Biomancy


of 5
Faerie DuelistFaerie Duelist


of 4


of 3
Mammoth SpiderMammoth Spider


of 2
Thirsting ShadeThirsting Shade


of 4
Primordial WurmPrimordial Wurm


of 1
Axebane BeastAxebane Beast


of 3
Saruli CaretakerSaruli Caretaker


of 5
Summary JudgmentSummary Judgment


of 6
Samut's SprintSamut's Sprint


of 1
Gateway PlazaGateway Plaza


of 2
Debtors' TransportDebtors' Transport


of 2
Nahiri's StonebladesNahiri's Stoneblades


of 1
Coral CommandoCoral Commando


of 5
Martyr for the CauseMartyr for the Cause


of 2
Dead RevelsDead Revels


of 3
Get the PointGet the Point


of 6
Grasping ThrullGrasping Thrull


of 5
Open the GatesOpen the Gates


of 3
Biogenic UpgradeBiogenic Upgrade


of 1
Arlinn's WolfArlinn's Wolf


of 1


of 1
Tower DefenseTower Defense


of 1
Azorius Knight-ArbiterAzorius Knight-Arbiter


of 9
Gate ColossusGate Colossus


of 1
Sky Theater StrixSky Theater Strix


of 2
Goblin AssailantGoblin Assailant


of 1
Prying EyesPrying Eyes


of 3
Pouncing LynxPouncing Lynx


of 2
Senate GriffinSenate Griffin


of 2
Act of TreasonAct of Treason


of 6
Rampaging RendhornRampaging Rendhorn


of 5
Concordia PegasusConcordia Pegasus


of 8
Imperious OligarchImperious Oligarch


of 2
Angelic ExaltationAngelic Exaltation


of 2
Goblin GatheringGoblin Gathering


of 6


of 4
Gift of StrengthGift of Strength


of 5
Battlefield PromotionBattlefield Promotion


of 3
Syndicate MessengerSyndicate Messenger


of 8
Undercity ScavengerUndercity Scavenger


of 6
Prowling CaracalProwling Caracal


of 6
Ill-Gotten InheritanceIll-Gotten Inheritance


of 7
Lawmage's BindingLawmage's Binding


of 9
Ministrant of ObligationMinistrant of Obligation


of 3
Gruul BeastmasterGruul Beastmaster


of 1
Trusted PegasusTrusted Pegasus


of 1
Growth SpiralGrowth Spiral


of 2
Smelt-Ward IgnusSmelt-Ward Ignus


of 1
Knight of SorrowsKnight of Sorrows


of 2
Expose to DaylightExpose to Daylight


of 9
Sphinx of New PrahvSphinx of New Prahv


of 1
Titanic BrawlTitanic Brawl


of 6
Burn BrightBurn Bright


of 6
Crush DissentCrush Dissent


of 1
Kraul StingerKraul Stinger


of 1
Callous DismissalCallous Dismissal


of 2
Jaya's GreetingJaya's Greeting


of 5
Plague WightPlague Wight


of 5
Rubblebelt RunnerRubblebelt Runner


of 3
Spear SpewerSpear Spewer


of 6
Orzhov EnforcerOrzhov Enforcer


of 1
Justiciar's PortalJusticiar's Portal


of 5
Blade JugglerBlade Juggler


of 3


of 5


of 3
Spirit of the SpiresSpirit of the Spires


of 1
Azorius LocketAzorius Locket


of 4
Azorius GuildgateAzorius Guildgate


of 1
Civic StalwartCivic Stalwart


of 4
Rafter DemonRafter Demon


of 3
Sauroform HybridSauroform Hybrid


of 5
Sage's Row SavantSage's Row Savant


of 6
Sky TetherSky Tether


of 3
Arrester's ZealArrester's Zeal


of 5