Samarpan's profile



100.0% positive feedback
34k+ verified reviews
24k+ total items
398 unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
Feign DeathFeign Death


of 15
Dawnbringer ClericDawnbringer Cleric


of 30
Lacerate FleshLacerate Flesh


of 34
Thrilling DiscoveryThrilling Discovery


of 63
First Day of ClassFirst Day of Class


of 103
Fear of DeathFear of Death


of 27
Letter of AcceptanceLetter of Acceptance


of 126
Heron-Blessed GeistHeron-Blessed Geist


of 34
Twinscroll ShamanTwinscroll Shaman


of 116
Flourishing HunterFlourishing Hunter


of 37
Gryff RiderGryff Rider


of 30
Silverquill CampusSilverquill Campus


of 146
Apprentice SharpshooterApprentice Sharpshooter


of 20
Grisly RitualGrisly Ritual


of 26
Fierce RetributionFierce Retribution


of 39
Field TripField Trip


of 160
Bayou GroffBayou Groff


of 88
Essence InfusionEssence Infusion


of 159
Infuse with VitalityInfuse with Vitality


of 107
Quandrix CampusQuandrix Campus


of 164
Mage DuelMage Duel


of 121
Witherbloom CampusWitherbloom Campus


of 156
Environmental SciencesEnvironmental Sciences


of 102
Aim for the HeadAim for the Head


of 34
Introduction to ProphecyIntroduction to Prophecy


of 100
Lorehold CampusLorehold Campus


of 73
Unwilling IngredientUnwilling Ingredient


of 119
Star PupilStar Pupil


of 127
Frost TricksterFrost Trickster


of 153
Study BreakStudy Break


of 125
Exhilarating ElocutionExhilarating Elocution


of 168
Square UpSquare Up


of 120


of 118
Owlin ShieldmageOwlin Shieldmage


of 120
Moldering KarokMoldering Karok


of 124
Prismari CampusPrismari Campus


of 132
Scurrid ColonyScurrid Colony


of 116
Specter of the FensSpecter of the Fens


of 119
Fuming EffigyFuming Effigy


of 149
Spined KarokSpined Karok


of 131
Guiding VoiceGuiding Voice


of 164
Crushing DisappointmentCrushing Disappointment


of 145
Rise of ExtusRise of Extus


of 119
Beaming DefianceBeaming Defiance


of 150
Tome ShredderTome Shredder


of 126
Leech FanaticLeech Fanatic


of 134
Cram SessionCram Session


of 51
Combat ProfessorCombat Professor


of 159
Lash of MaliceLash of Malice


of 154
Hunt for SpecimensHunt for Specimens


of 158
Biblioplex AssistantBiblioplex Assistant


of 149
Vortex RunnerVortex Runner


of 120
Blood ResearcherBlood Researcher


of 147
Teach by ExampleTeach by Example


of 118
Professor of ZoomancyProfessor of Zoomancy


of 129
Waterfall AerialistWaterfall Aerialist


of 120
Introduction to AnnihilationIntroduction to Annihilation


of 169
Sudden BreakthroughSudden Breakthrough


of 115
Spiteful SquadSpiteful Squad


of 116
Relic SlothRelic Sloth


of 115
Fractal SummoningFractal Summoning


of 184
Inkling SummoningInkling Summoning


of 199
Heated DebateHeated Debate


of 159
Professor's WarningProfessor's Warning


of 119
Make Your MarkMake Your Mark


of 116
Novice DissectorNovice Dissector


of 122
Campus GuideCampus Guide


of 134
Springmane CervinSpringmane Cervin


of 116
Prismari PledgemagePrismari Pledgemage


of 141
Expanded AnatomyExpanded Anatomy


of 197
Pilgrim of the AgesPilgrim of the Ages


of 127
Elemental MasterpieceElemental Masterpiece


of 148
Mage Hunters' OnslaughtMage Hunters' Onslaught


of 110
Defend the CampusDefend the Campus


of 151
Charge ThroughCharge Through


of 144


of 105
Excavated WallExcavated Wall


of 151
Spectacle MageSpectacle Mage


of 120
Pop QuizPop Quiz


of 127
Burrog BefuddlerBurrog Befuddler


of 148
Leyline InvocationLeyline Invocation


of 127


of 141
Witherbloom PledgemageWitherbloom Pledgemage


of 137
Soothsayer AdeptSoothsayer Adept


of 116
Pest SummoningPest Summoning


of 112


of 100
Spirit SummoningSpirit Summoning


of 157
Enthusiastic StudyEnthusiastic Study


of 154
Elemental SummoningElemental Summoning


of 195
Oggyar Battle-SeerOggyar Battle-Seer


of 122
Bury in BooksBury in Books


of 153
Gift of FangsGift of Fangs


of 30
Illustrious HistorianIllustrious Historian


of 152
Cogwork ArchivistCogwork Archivist


of 151
Quandrix PledgemageQuandrix Pledgemage


of 145
Serpentine CurveSerpentine Curve


of 118
Needlethorn DrakeNeedlethorn Drake


of 108
Eager First-YearEager First-Year


of 151
Reckless AmplimancerReckless Amplimancer


of 124


of 16