Taly2012's profile



--% positive feedback
0 verified reviews
1k+ total items
432 unique items

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Minimum Quantity
Heartless ActHeartless Act


of 2
Flame SpillFlame Spill


of 6
Arcbound CondorArcbound Condor


of 1
Drownyard LurkerDrownyard Lurker


of 1
Voltstorm AngelVoltstorm Angel


of 1
Ral and the Implicit MazeRal and the Implicit Maze


of 1
Proud Pack-RhinoProud Pack-Rhino


of 1
Mindless ConscriptionMindless Conscription


of 3
Tempest HarvesterTempest Harvester


of 1
Warped TuskerWarped Tusker


of 2
Skoa, EmbermageSkoa, Embermage


of 3
Obstinate GargoyleObstinate Gargoyle


of 1
Distinguished ConjurerDistinguished Conjurer


of 1


of 3
Scurrilous SentryScurrilous Sentry


of 1
Kami of Jealous ThirstKami of Jealous Thirst


of 1
Aether SpikeAether Spike


of 1
Sarpadian SimulacrumSarpadian Simulacrum


of 1
Archers' ParapetArchers' Parapet


of 6
Glyph ElementalGlyph Elemental


of 1
Hexgold SlithHexgold Slith


of 1
Inspired InventorInspired Inventor


of 1
Nightshade DryadNightshade Dryad


of 1
Mandibular KiteMandibular Kite


of 2
Smelted ChargebugSmelted Chargebug


of 1
Ondu Knotmaster // Throw a LineOndu Knotmaster // Throw a Line


of 1
Utter InsignificanceUtter Insignificance


of 3
Spawn-Gang CommanderSpawn-Gang Commander


of 3
Defiant StrikeDefiant Strike


of 4
Conduit GoblinConduit Goblin


of 3
Serum VisionarySerum Visionary


of 2


of 2
Firehoof CavalryFirehoof Cavalry


of 4
Unfathomable TruthsUnfathomable Truths


of 1
Scurry of GremlinsScurry of Gremlins


of 1
Skyclave Cleric // Skyclave BasilicaSkyclave Cleric // Skyclave Basilica


of 1
Petrifying MeddlerPetrifying Meddler


of 1
Expel the UnworthyExpel the Unworthy


of 2


of 4
Snapping VoidcrawSnapping Voidcraw


of 1
Sage of the UnknowableSage of the Unknowable


of 1
Nyxborn UnicornNyxborn Unicorn


of 2
Windrider WizardWindrider Wizard


of 1
Fanged FlamesFanged Flames


of 2
Rooting MolochRooting Moloch


of 10
Borderland MinotaurBorderland Minotaur


of 3
Blossoming SandsBlossoming Sands


of 4


of 2
Satyr PiperSatyr Piper


of 2
Akroan HopliteAkroan Hoplite


of 3
Take Up ArmsTake Up Arms


of 2
War-Name AspirantWar-Name Aspirant


of 1
Longshot SquadLongshot Squad


of 6
Highspire MantisHighspire Mantis


of 2
Nylea's DiscipleNylea's Disciple


of 4
Shambling AttendantsShambling Attendants


of 6


of 7
Dark BetrayalDark Betrayal


of 1
Turntimber AsceticTurntimber Ascetic


of 1


of 6
Toolcraft ExemplarToolcraft Exemplar


of 2
Devouring Sugarmaw // Have for DinnerDevouring Sugarmaw // Have for Dinner


of 1
Become ImmenseBecome Immense


of 3
Singing Bell StrikeSinging Bell Strike


of 6
Exuberant WolfbearExuberant Wolfbear


of 2
Triton TacticsTriton Tactics


of 3
Cranial ArchiveCranial Archive


of 1


of 3
Minotaur SkullcleaverMinotaur Skullcleaver


of 4
Satyr RamblerSatyr Rambler


of 2
Scoured BarrensScoured Barrens


of 5
Commune with the GodsCommune with the Gods


of 6
Pharika's MenderPharika's Mender


of 2
Nemesis of MortalsNemesis of Mortals


of 1
Mardu HordechiefMardu Hordechief


of 6
Trumpeting GnarrTrumpeting Gnarr


of 4
Bronze SableBronze Sable


of 3
Boon of ErebosBoon of Erebos


of 4
Spite of MogisSpite of Mogis


of 4
Efreet WeaponmasterEfreet Weaponmaster


of 4
Blitz of the Thunder-RaptorBlitz of the Thunder-Raptor


of 6
Purphoros's EmissaryPurphoros's Emissary


of 2
Fleetfeather SandalsFleetfeather Sandals


of 1
Pollywog SymbiotePollywog Symbiote


of 4
Proud WildbonderProud Wildbonder


of 8
The Apprentice's FollyThe Apprentice's Folly


of 1


of 3
Ordeal of ErebosOrdeal of Erebos


of 2
March of the ReturnedMarch of the Returned


of 4
Contaminated LandscapeContaminated Landscape


of 2
Colossal DreadmaskColossal Dreadmask


of 2
Seeker of the WaySeeker of the Way


of 1
Peak EruptionPeak Eruption


of 1
Scout the BordersScout the Borders


of 7


of 1
Sedge ScorpionSedge Scorpion


of 7
Spined KarokSpined Karok


of 1
Scholar of AthreosScholar of Athreos


of 4
Disowned AncestorDisowned Ancestor


of 8
Salt Road PatrolSalt Road Patrol


of 4